Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures - Part 2: Design considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry (+ AC:2009)
(1)P The scope of Eurocode 6 for Masonry Structures as given in 1.1.1 of EN 1996-1-1 applies also to this Part 2.(2)P Part 2 of Eurocode 6 gives basic rules for the selection of materials and execution of masonry to enable it to comply with the design assumptions of the other parts of Eurocode 6. With the exception of the items given in 1.1(3)P, the scope of Part 2 deals with ordinary aspects of masonry design and execution including: the selection of masonry materials factors affecting the performance and durability of masonry resistance of buildings to moisture penetration storage, preparation and use of materials on site the execution of masonry masonry protection during execution NOTE 1. Where general guidance only is given, additional guidance based on local conditions and practice may be made available in non contradictory complementary documents which may be referred to in the National Annex.NOTE 2. The scope of Eurocode 6 excludes seismic, thermal and acoustic functional performance of masonry structures (3)P Part 2 of Eurocode 6 does not cover the following items: those aspects of masonry covered in other parts of Eurocode 6 aesthetic aspects applied finishes health & safety of persons engaged in the design or execution of masonry the environmental effects of masonry buildings, civil engineering works and structures on their surroundings.
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