NBN EN 1996-2:2024

Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures - Part 2: Design considerations, selection of materials and execution (DEZE NORM IS NOG NIET VAN TOEPASSING IN AFWACHTING VAN DE PUBLICATIE VAN DE BIJBEHORENDE NATIONALE BIJLAGE EN DE PUBLICATIESTRATEGIE VAN DE EUROCODES VAN DE TWEEDE GENERATIE. De geldende norm in België blijft de NBN EN 1996-2:2006.)


About this standard

Standards committee
CEN/TC 250
Publication date
25 September 2024
NBN EN 1996-2/AC:2009 NBN EN 1996-2:2006
ICS Code
91.010.30 (Technical aspects)
91.080.30 (Masonry)
Additional information
<p>This European standard EN 1996-2:2024 does not yet have the status of a Belgian standard. In Belgium, it is available in 3 official versions (German, English, French) until the Dutch version is also published. This document can only be applied from the moment its corresponding Belgian national annex (ANB) is published. This document does not replace the existing standard NBN EN 1996-2:2006. The sole purpose of publishing this document at this stage is to enable Eurocode users to familiarize themselves with future normative texts while awaiting the entry into force of the new generation of Eurocodes and their respective ANBs.</p>
Withdrawn Date
€ 142,00

About this training


(1) This document gives basic rules for the selection of materials and execution of masonry to enable it to comply with the design assumptions of the other parts of Eurocode 6.
(2) This document deals with ordinary aspects of masonry design and execution including:
- selection of masonry materials
- factors affecting the performance and durability of masonry
- masonry detailing, joint finishes, movement joints, resistance of buildings to moisture penetration
- storage, preparation and use of materials on site
- execution of masonry
- masonry protection during execution
(3) This document does not cover the following items:
- aesthetic aspects
- applied finishes
1.2 Assumptions
(1) The assumptions of EN 1990 apply to this document.
(2) This document is intended to be used together with EN 1990, EN 1991, EN 1996 1-1, EN 1996-1-2 and EN 1996-3.
(3) The design of masonry is carried out in accordance with EN 1996 1 1.