NBN ISO 55001:2024

Asset management — Asset management system — Requirements (ISO 55001:2024)


About this standard

Standards committee
ISO/TC 251
Publication date
09 October 2024
ICS Code
03.100.70 (Management systems)
03.100.01 (Company organization and management in general)
Withdrawn Date
€ 58,00

About this training


< p class=" MsoBodyText" > < span lang=" EN-GB" > This document specifies requirements for an asset management system.< / span>

< p class=" MsoBodyText" > < span lang=" EN-GB" > This document is applicable to all types of assets and all types and sizes of organizations.< / span>

< p class=" MsoBodyText" > < span lang=" EN-GB" > Consistent with the organization’s asset management policy, the intended results of an asset management system include:< / span>

< p class=" ListContinue1" style=" mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1 " > < !-- [if !supportLists]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" style=" mso-fareast-font-family: Cambria mso-bidi-font-family: Cambria " > < span style=" mso-list: Ignore " > —< span style=" font: 7.0pt ' Times New Roman' " >      < / span> < / span> < / span> < !--[endif]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" > realized value from assets throughout their life for the organization and its stakeholders < / span>

< p class=" ListContinue1" style=" mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1 " > < !-- [if !supportLists]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" style=" mso-fareast-font-family: Cambria mso-bidi-font-family: Cambria " > < span style=" mso-list: Ignore " > —< span style=" font: 7.0pt ' Times New Roman' " >      < / span> < / span> < / span> < !--[endif]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" > achievement of asset management objectives and fulfilment of applicable requirements < / span>

< p class=" ListContinue1" style=" mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1 " > < !-- [if !supportLists]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" style=" mso-fareast-font-family: Cambria mso-bidi-font-family: Cambria " > < span style=" mso-list: Ignore " > —< span style=" font: 7.0pt ' Times New Roman' " >      < / span> < / span> < / span> < !--[endif]--> < span lang=" EN-GB" > continual improvement of asset management, the asset management system and the performance of assets.< / span>

< p class=" MsoBodyText" > < span lang=" EN-GB" > This document does not specify financial, accounting nor technical requirements for managing specific asset types.< / span>

< p class=" Note" > < span lang=" EN-GB" > NOTE< span style=" mso-tab-count: 1 " >             < / span> For the purposes of ISO 55000, this document and ISO 55002, the term “asset management system” is used to refer to a management system for asset management.< / span>