NBN EN 1996-1-1:2022

Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1: General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures (THIS STANDARD IS NOT YET APPLICABLE PENDING THE PUBLICATION OF ITS ACCOMPANYING NATIONAL ANNEX AND THE PUBLICATION STRATEGY OF THE SECOND GENERATION EUROCODES. The applicable standard in Belgium remains the NBN EN 1996-1-1+A1:2013.)


About this standard

German, English and French
Standards committee
CEN/TC 250
Publication date
09 April 2022
ICS Code
91.010.30 (Technical aspects)
91.080.30 (Masonry)
Additional information
This European standard EN 1996-1-1:2022 does not yet have the status of a Belgian standard. In Belgium, it is available in 3 official versions (German, English, French) until the Dutch version is also published. This document can only be applied from the moment its corresponding Belgian national annex (ANB) is published. This document does not replace the existing standard NBN EN 1996-1-1+A1:2013. The sole purpose of publishing this document at this stage is to enable Eurocode users to familiarize themselves with future normative texts while awaiting the entry into force of the new generation of Eurocodes and their respective ANBs.
Withdrawn Date
€ 205,00

About this training


(1) The basis for the design of building and civil engineering works in masonry is given in this Part 1-1 of EN 1996, which deals with unreinforced masonry, reinforced masonry and confined masonry. Principles for the design of prestressed masonry are also given. This Part 1-1 of EN 1996 is not valid for masonry elements with a plan area of less than 0,04 m2.(2) For those types of structures not covered entirely, for new structural uses for established materials, for new materials, or where actions and other influences outside normal experience have to be resisted, the provisions given in this Part 1-1 of EN 1996 may be applicable, but may need to be supplemented.(3) Part 1-1 of EN 1996 gives detailed rules which are mainly applicable to ordinary buildings. The applicability of these rules may be limited, for practical reasons or due to simplifications any limits of applicability are given in the text where necessary.(4) Part 1-1 of EN 1996 does not cover:- resistance to fire (which is dealt with in EN 1996-1-2) - particular aspects of special types of building (for example, dynamic effects on tall buildings) - particular aspects of special types of civil engineering works (such as masonry bridges, dams, chimneys or liquid-retaining structures) - particular aspects of special types of structures (such as arches or domes) - masonry where gypsum, with or without cement, mortars are used - masonry where the units are not laid in a regular pattern of courses (rubble masonry) - masonry reinforced with other materials than steel.